How to Create a Test With Signatures

How to Create a Test With Signatures

For creating tests with signatures, you are able to do this when creating a new test or by using an existing test as a template. For this article we are going to show you how to add this by using an existing test as a template.

Step 1:

Select the drop-down menu beside the username on the top right corner of your screen and select “Settings”.

Step 2:

Next, on the left side of your screen select the “Tests” option and then “Custom Tests”.

Step 3:

Under the Custom Test Management section you will see all of the tests already created under your account. Select “Edit” beside the test you would like to add signatures to. (If you would like to create a custom test with signatures, you will see this option as well at the top of the “Custom Test Management” section.)

Step 4:

Now select the “Save as New” option. This ensures that your original test is not edited in the event of any errors. *Without this step you will be editing the original test.

Step 5:

You can update the name on the new test by selecting the edit option beside the test name.

Step 6:

Now select the “Add new Field” option, you may label it as you would like it to appear on your report.

Step 7:

You are able to name this field (example: Collector signature or Donor signature)

Step 8:

Next in the field type you will want to select “Signature”.

Step 9:

Now if you would like the Name of the user creating the report to show on the report select the “Show Name” option. You will be able to select if you would like the signature of the user added to the report. You will be able to select “Pre-fill with current user” to have the signature of the profile user added to the report. 

*We do recommend that each person that would be creating a report to have their own login as this option only shows the username for the person creating the report. So if everyone logs in under one username you will not be able to track who was creating the report.

Step 10:

To add a donor signature, you will need to repeat steps 6 & 7. Now select “Pre-fill with donor name”. The donor will need to sign the report manually from your device when you are filling out the report

*You are able to have the user signature and add a field for donor signature on the same report.

Step 11:

You are able to make these signatures mandatory fields under the Validation section in the properties.

Step 12:

Finally select “Save” and you have successfully created a new report template with signatures!

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